Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Good Life.....

 Nebraska... The good life. 
The place where you talk 5 minutes and you become family.. The place where everyone is welcome and treated like longtime friends. I can't believe the kindness we experienced in Nebraska. The diversity of the land is amazing! I came here thinking it was FLAT and to be honest the first part was pretty much FLAT, then you get to the parts with beautiful lakes and rolling hills, cattle ranches and crops... You go from urban cities to open prairies with rattlesnakes and tumble weeds! People are just plain friendly! You walk for a couple of miles and a nice farmer asks do you need a ride? How about a cold bottle of water? Where you staying tonight?? Can I help you anyway? We never really had to worry about where we were going to stay because we knew God had a friendly farmer waiting on us!:) I believe Nebraska has been the most faith strengthening state so far. The place I thought would be dull and flat was full of loving kind people waiting to lend a hand to complete strangers!! God always provides! Thank you Friendly Nebraskans for making our time there so pleasant!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pioneer Village in Minden, Nebraska

 Hello everyone!!!
I'm sorry I haven't written in so long, we've been pretty busy putting miles behind us headed to the west:) Today we took a detour off the trail to the American Pioneer Museum in Minden, Nebraska.
If your ever up this way it's worth going to! I've included a few interesting pictures from the museum.some pictures were difficult to take, so you'll just have to come see for yourself!!:) I really enjoyed all the old cars and learning how engineering and the progress of technology has changed this world! Just think I was taking pictures with a smart phone in a pioneer village where they wouldn't have been able to even capture what they saw to show other people. Some things I'm glad have changed and some things I wish would have stayed as simple as it was then.  Hope you enjoy these pictures and have a chance to go see for yourself! God Bless!~
      Old washing machine 

    Old key collection.

Barb wire desplay 

Old Gas pumps

I would drive this!!:)

Old coke machine. 5 cents apiece!

Antique Tractors!!!!

Old Farm truck :)

Old radio... So neat!

One of the first X Ray machines:)

Making a old style broom!!

Such fun!

Old fashioned Harp
I would love to know how to play it!

Beware dangerous prisoners ahead!!

All aboard the KatyDid express!:)

Anybody up for a trolley ride?

Cash register 

Modern smartphone in an old
Fashioned phone booth;)

Wish it was still this way!!

Teenagers sure have changed
The fad was to see how many 
They could fit in a phone booth!
So funny;)

Help!! I'm locked in

Hello... Switchboard operator 
I would love this job !

Old telephones 

Old car!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Campground Babysitter;)

I have decided I must have a new calling on my life! We stayed at Springbrook Campground for 2 days and I fell in love with a sweet 5 year old girl named Iris..
We spent the whole day together with her biking and me walk/running to keep up, playing tag and Battleship ( a game of which she beat me!) Just enjoying the outside and having fun! While doing all this her Mom told mine that I should be a Campground Nanny! By the end of the day I had a total of 6 tag alongs! 5 little girls and 1 little boy;) I really enjoyed myself! I've always loved children and they have always seemd to attach themselves to me, I didn't realize that you could love children that you just met that quickly! All the parents thanked me for my help and of course I got lots of hugs from the little girls!! We enjoyed a supper over the campfire and fellowship with Iris's family that evening. So who knows,.. I might just end up being a Campground Nanny!;) 
My sweet little friend Iris and I after a day of fun together!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A few assorted pictures from the day...

We enjoyed a nice day of walking today, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing lots of wildlife. We put in quite a few miles and even took time to eat a pizza!;) I even had time to mess around with some photography on my phone.  The trail disappeared and we had to make our own path,but everything worked out for the best! I hope you enjoy these pictures! May God Bless you and keep you ~ Love Katlyn
Me holding a baby Robin I found that fell out of its nest. Don't worry Mama bird was close by!
It actually didn't mind being held!
Sweet Baby Bird was hungry!
Leopard frog that chased me 
around and made me scream!;)
         The necessity;) 
              Grain silos 
Beautiful barn taken in Sepia 
        Me and the barn
These next few are playing with my 

Nice horse barn with beautiful horses!
    Everyday sighting in Iowa...
Tractor with hay mower!
Interesting porch ornament... Steel Rhino!
Nice people we met a a Golf Course
        Yes, Please!!;)
        Black eyes Susan's
       My favorite flower!;)
I couldn't resist! I love flowers<3
      Only 4 more miles!
          Beautiful Clouds!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Hello Again! I can't believe we have walked to Iowa!:) I still have a hard time fathoming that I have walked from Delaware to Iowa! I was actually sad to leave Illinois, we had such friendly people there and great weather!  I can't believe the adventures so far and we aren't even half way there yet:) Please continue to pray for our safety and strength. 
           Bridge from Illinois to Iowa
                 Davenport, Iowa
             Centennial bridge over 
              the Mississippi River.