Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Worth The Wait

As many of you know last March I went through a terrible heartbreak.... One that if I’m honest with myself & all of you, I could’ve avoided completely. I didn’t want to listen to those around me who cared & loved me... I wanted what I wanted & I wanted it NOW; no matter how badly it ended up hurting me & the people who cared the most for me in the end. All I can say from my experience is:  True Love Is Worth The Wait !! There is nothing more beautiful in this world than Love. I’m not talking about the kind of Love you have for your favorite pet or even your best friend... I’m talking about the love that your heart keeps tucked away for that one person! I didn’t even know I had a section of my heart that no one had seen or experienced before, but when you find your true love... you’ll know exactly what I’m explaining! It’s a love you’ll find yourself so consumed by that it feels as natural as breathing! 
Growing up I doubted that I’d ever find a true fairytale version of love. I listened to what people who I thought were my friends told me.... I allowed my morals & hope to be swayed, which lead to months of heartbreak, severe sickness & depression. I promise you, True Love is worth the wait... it’s worth standing your ground, it’s worth being lonesome for a season.... If you find yourself asking God “ Why not me? I want to be loved!” just be patient because the truth is HE loves you, that’s why he’s asking you to wait. He’s preparing your heart and the persons heart who you will someday love.... Maybe you’re both occupied with things in your life that would distract you from him & each other. God does everything for our good and times everything perfectly! We can find ourselves even after we find love wishing it would’ve happened sooner.... I said that myself, but I wasn’t ready! God hadn’t prepared my heart & broken down my walls yet. Actually, God used my true love to help heal my wounds, prepare my heart & break down those walls! He knows what we need!!! He loves us so much that he isn’t going to allow us anything less that what he knows we need in our lives. If you find time just lags on & everyone around you has what they “need” and they have love, just focus that time in your life into prayer.... Pray for the person you will someday love, pray for yourself & God’s will & guidance... Pray that your hearts will be open to His desires for you & that your hearts will be mature enough & willing to follow his leading! Pray for yourself that when the time comes you’ll be ready to love completely, not allowing anything to hold you back... Pray for protection over yourself & them, that God would keep you both from harm & not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed with doubt & fear. Trust me! It will make your “waiting period” so much easier & you’ll find yourself drawing closer to God in the process & understanding yourself more fully. Just know that whatever life brings you, whatever tries to lure you away from what you know God has for your life... TRUE LOVE IS WORTH THE WAIT!!!! 

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Whole Need Not A Physician

"12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth,I will have mercy, and not sacrifice:for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. " {Matthew 9:12-13}
We find ourselves feeling "better than thou" and self righteous when we think of ourselves being saved and forgiven by Jesus, but he didn't come here for us... He came here for the sick, the hurting lowely people of the world.It's such a daily humbling reminder that when we look and think we are better than " those people" that Jesus came for THEM!  The most eye opening parts to me in these chapters of Matthew isn't necessarily the amazing miracles Jesus preformed, but the fact that he didn't go around questioning the sick before helping them, he didn't check to see if they were "worthy" of is healing! He healed them and said " tell no one" {Matthew 8:4}He cared so much for them that He didn't want the credit or even care if they knew his name. He loved them enough to help them anyways. Oh to have lived with Jesus! To have witnessed his miracles and believed on him!! My daily prayer is to have the faith of the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 " v.8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: just speak the word only , and my servant shall be healed." To have had the faith in such a troubling time to know that he just needed to speak one word and you're made completely whole.How amazing that must have been!
In Matthew 6:8 it says " Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask." How encouraging that is to me! My savior knows my every need before I ask his help. We as Christians are so incredibly blessed with an all knowing, loving and forgiving God that is ALWAYS there for us, my heart just yearns for those in this world who refuse him or haven't been given the chance to know Him yet. May we spend our times here seeking out the " sick" and help lead them to the great Physician.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Life With Lyme's

Life with Lyme's Disease...
I'm sure most of you wonder what it's really like, is it truly as serious as people say? It's hard to explain in a whole without showing people... It's this ever present nagging feeling inside you that something is terribly wrong, but you can't pinpoint what exactly is. It's a feeling of worthlessness and guilt for feeling so low and upsetting the people you love around you. It's a feeling of never feeling good enough, pretty enough, strong enough to continue on. It's headaches and muscle-joint pain that takes turns on who's going to make you miserable today. It's a feeling of never being hungry, even when your Mom makes your favorite meals, but just the smell turns you off. It's a feeling of always being so tired.. You feel like you could just lay down in the middle of the highway and go to sleep forever and never pay anyone any mind. It's knowing that your pain is causing the people around you pain so you try to hide that pain from them... Only to realize it makes everything worse. It's not something you can handle on your own, I've realized that the hard way the last few weeks. I can't shut everyone out and fake smile and say "I'm fine" because people will believe you and the when you really aren't fine, you feel like you can't tell them. Thankfully, I have some of the best people in my life to pick me back up when I feel like I can't go any further. I have such understanding loving parents, boyfriend and friends! Even when I try to hide things from them, they keep prying until I spill my guts about it all. I'm ever grateful for their patience and love for me. Lyme's is that feeling where you walk  into a room and you forgot what you went in there for... Every single day, every hour, every minute. What's my advice for someone struggling with Lyme's? Have faith in God and the people around you... When someone reaches out a hand for you , accept it. Don't pull away and think you are shielding people from your pain, because trust me... You aren't. Be understanding to the people around you.. They don't understand what you're going through unless you tell them. They can't help you unless you allow them. Don't be afraid to open up and rely on your loved ones. It helps, I promise.
My advice for those who know someone with Lyme's... Never leave words unsaid... Never take days with that person for granted. Always show your love for that person... Randomness is a good thing... Surprise dinners, a card, a sweet text, a hug... just a hello... It means the world to someone hurting. Pray for them. Love them. Encourage them. It will go further than you could ever imagine.
Thank you all so much for your love and support! I don't know where I'd be without it. Lord Bless ~ Katlyn