Monday, August 24, 2015

Colorful Colorado

Where do I start?
Colorado is a magical place... Filled with Aspen and Fir trees, Alpine Lakes, Bear, Moose and Elk roam free untouched by man.... The mountains are extremely difficult and the elevations high, but the views are amazing! You start early in the morning and climb until the afternoon, you ream the peak out of breath and tired.. You sit down to enjoy some cool mountain stream water and take in the beauty of the summit. It's difficult and tiring, but the reward.... Unbelievable! You would never know what this is like unless you faced the rocks and boulders, climbed up the steep switchback trails for hours, crossed rushing creeks only to get your foot wet on the last step! All of this and you are still amazed EVERY time you reach the top... It's like a whole new world waiting for you to glimpse its beauty. Beauty God set aside for those who choose to meet the challenges that come!
With the beauty of Fall almost here and the cooler temperatures that follow... Please go outdoors and enjoy the amazing wonders God has made for you!
Happy Hiking~

Family selfie
Mama and I
Crossing a creek
Colorado sunrays
Our lovely new REI Half some 4
Filtering mountain water with my
Sawyer mini
Aspen trees

My friend Emily & I with
Her adorable puppy Mowgli

Marmot hanging out by
The lake!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Utah~Colorado Border

 I am so excited to announce that
We are in colorado!! Only 550 miles or so before we complete our 5'000 mile hike across America!
I am so thankful for this opportunity at such a young age. Most people aren't this fortunate! 
Hopefully I will blog more through Colorado! 
Peace, Light & Love of Jesus

Canyonlands National Park
Utah Highway walking
Glory clouds
Baby Horny Toad!
Beautiful Rainbow of Westwater Ranger