Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Worth The Wait

As many of you know last March I went through a terrible heartbreak.... One that if I’m honest with myself & all of you, I could’ve avoided completely. I didn’t want to listen to those around me who cared & loved me... I wanted what I wanted & I wanted it NOW; no matter how badly it ended up hurting me & the people who cared the most for me in the end. All I can say from my experience is:  True Love Is Worth The Wait !! There is nothing more beautiful in this world than Love. I’m not talking about the kind of Love you have for your favorite pet or even your best friend... I’m talking about the love that your heart keeps tucked away for that one person! I didn’t even know I had a section of my heart that no one had seen or experienced before, but when you find your true love... you’ll know exactly what I’m explaining! It’s a love you’ll find yourself so consumed by that it feels as natural as breathing! 
Growing up I doubted that I’d ever find a true fairytale version of love. I listened to what people who I thought were my friends told me.... I allowed my morals & hope to be swayed, which lead to months of heartbreak, severe sickness & depression. I promise you, True Love is worth the wait... it’s worth standing your ground, it’s worth being lonesome for a season.... If you find yourself asking God “ Why not me? I want to be loved!” just be patient because the truth is HE loves you, that’s why he’s asking you to wait. He’s preparing your heart and the persons heart who you will someday love.... Maybe you’re both occupied with things in your life that would distract you from him & each other. God does everything for our good and times everything perfectly! We can find ourselves even after we find love wishing it would’ve happened sooner.... I said that myself, but I wasn’t ready! God hadn’t prepared my heart & broken down my walls yet. Actually, God used my true love to help heal my wounds, prepare my heart & break down those walls! He knows what we need!!! He loves us so much that he isn’t going to allow us anything less that what he knows we need in our lives. If you find time just lags on & everyone around you has what they “need” and they have love, just focus that time in your life into prayer.... Pray for the person you will someday love, pray for yourself & God’s will & guidance... Pray that your hearts will be open to His desires for you & that your hearts will be mature enough & willing to follow his leading! Pray for yourself that when the time comes you’ll be ready to love completely, not allowing anything to hold you back... Pray for protection over yourself & them, that God would keep you both from harm & not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed with doubt & fear. Trust me! It will make your “waiting period” so much easier & you’ll find yourself drawing closer to God in the process & understanding yourself more fully. Just know that whatever life brings you, whatever tries to lure you away from what you know God has for your life... TRUE LOVE IS WORTH THE WAIT!!!!