Hello everyone!!!
I'm sorry I haven't written in so long, we've been pretty busy putting miles behind us headed to the west:) Today we took a detour off the trail to the American Pioneer Museum in Minden, Nebraska.
If your ever up this way it's worth going to! I've included a few interesting pictures from the museum.some pictures were difficult to take, so you'll just have to come see for yourself!!:) I really enjoyed all the old cars and learning how engineering and the progress of technology has changed this world! Just think I was taking pictures with a smart phone in a pioneer village where they wouldn't have been able to even capture what they saw to show other people. Some things I'm glad have changed and some things I wish would have stayed as simple as it was then. Hope you enjoy these pictures and have a chance to go see for yourself! God Bless!~
Old washing machine

Old key collection.

Barb wire desplay

Old Gas pumps

I would drive this!!:)

Old coke machine. 5 cents apiece!

Antique Tractors!!!!

Old Farm truck :)

Old radio... So neat!

One of the first X Ray machines:)

Making a old style broom!!

Such fun!

Old fashioned Harp
I would love to know how to play it!

Beware dangerous prisoners ahead!!

All aboard the KatyDid express!:)

Anybody up for a trolley ride?

Cash register

Modern smartphone in an old
Fashioned phone booth;)

Wish it was still this way!!

Teenagers sure have changed
The fad was to see how many
They could fit in a phone booth!
So funny;)

Help!! I'm locked in

Hello... Switchboard operator
I would love this job !

Old telephones

Old car!!
fantastic pictures