Thursday, March 31, 2016

Becoming a Butterfly

It seems like in our everyday lives we live that we often times forget the miracle of everyday life itself… We forget that every night when we go to bed we could never wake up in the morning, that everything we know and love could fade in an instant. We take for granted the little blessings we have all around us, the joy of love, friendship, happiness and just life itself. Albert Einstein once said “ There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle.” Do you live your life as though everything is a miracle? Do you leap for joy when you wake up in the morning at the realization that you have another day here on earth to make a difference or do you groan that you have to even get out of bed? I myself am more times than not; the latter of the two,  It is definitely something I need to work on in my life. When you are blessed with a special friendship or something even as small as your baby smiling at you, do you stop to thank God for that blessing? We forget that everything in our lives happens for a reason… Every person we come in contact with, every flower that blooms are all part of Gods plan for our lives. Imagine the miracle of a Butterfly for instance. Everyone loves Butterflies ... They are beautiful and have a lot of significance to them. Butterflies start out as these ugly caterpillars that build a cocoon to grow into this lovely butterfly, but the miracle of it all is that if you help that butterfly out of that cocoon before it emerges on its own it will die. It has to slowly eat its way out to build itself stronger and stronger before it can come out, spread its wings and fly…. That caterpillar could just lay in there and hope that someone opens the cocoon or it can work towards the ultimate goal of becoming a beautiful butterfly. Which are you? The caterpillar that gives up or the striving beautiful butterfly? Let’s try to live our lives realizing that everything is a miracle! God has a plan for our lives and he will place people and things in our life to help us along our journey or should I say dig us out of our cocoon.  I pray that every morning you wake up, you see the miracle of life and experience the Joy of Christ in your life! May God bless you! 

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU! Everything is a Miracle! God Bless You and Your family!
